Kamis, 05 Januari 2017

Summary Literature Journals

Ilegbinosa, Imoisi, Anthony.2012. An Analysis of Karl Marx’s Theory of Value on the
Contemporary Capitalist Economy. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online). Vol.3, No.5 (p: 1-7)

This research was analyzing about the Karl Marx’s theory of value and its implications on the contemporary capitalist economy. The purpose was critically reviews the principles of Marx’s. Marx’s life and work have continued to attract the attention of social scientists, trade unionists, labour unionists and many others. The question of this research was still remains whether the
labourers/ workers/ proletariats have a choice of selling their labour or not in order to survive in the contemporary capitalist economy as it were in orthodox capitalism? The research explains the relationship between labour and exploitation in capitalism contradiction. The concept of value is useful because it expresses the relations of exploitation under capitalism and allows them to be explained in spite of the deceptive appearances created by the predominance of voluntary market exchanges (Roberts, 1997). Based on this research that in capitalist economy, the rate of success in production is determined by the ability to produce surplus value. There is no doubt that capitalism does have an overall tendency to extract surplus value from labour since it is the most malleable of things within the confines of capitalism as noted by Marx.

Mishra, Kumar, Raj. 2013. Postcolonial feminism: Looking into within-beyond-to difference, International Journal of English and Literature, MITS Deemed University (Sikar) India; C/o Pankaj Tiwari, Plot No. 13, Sukhmaya Vihar Colony, Dandupur, Christnagar, Chandmari, Varanasi-221003, India. Vol. 4(4) (p. 129-134)

Postcolonial feminism or ‘third world feminism’ emerged in response to Western mainstream feminism. Western feminism has never been heedful to the differences pertaining to class, race, feelings, and settings of women of once colonized territories. Postcolonial feminists work for social, cultural, economic, and religious freedoms for women. As we know that Postcolonial feminism is a critique of the homogenizing tendencies of Western feminism and Feminism is a fabulous field of study across the world. It is simplistic to believe that Western feminists can represent and justify the stand of women living in once colonized countries. Feminism like Marxism and Post colonialism invalidates unjust power relationships. In numberless colonialist texts, papers, articles, and documents, it is sought hard to project and picture negative pictures or images of orients which Westerners never use for themselves and as such, to inculcate inferiority and meanness in oriental minds. As far as this research, postcolonial feminists engage more and more domestic spaces of women’s lives. In short, ‘postcolonial feminism’ provides corrective measures to mainstream ‘feminism’.


Fatemehazizmohammadi. 2014. A Study of The Modernism Elements in William Faulkner’s Short Story “A Rose for Emily”. Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL), Department of English Teaching, Science and research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran, Vol.2.Issue.3 (p: 1-3)

Modernism Started at the turn of the twentieth century. Most critics believed “high modernism” came to exist after World War I (119). The purpose of this research was analyzing elements of modernism in William Faulkner’s Short Story “A Rose for Emily. For the first, this research talk about the background of William Faulkner. This short story was containing of five sections. In the first section, it is the time of Emily`s death and the attendance of the townspeople to the funeral. The second section is about flashbacks thirty years ago. The time when her father has already dead and she has just abandoned by her beloved man. In the third and fourth, after her father`s death, the summer after. She was sick for a long time. And the fifth or last section, it is the funeral ceremony taking place and later when the secret is revealed after forty years when Homer was disappeared. By the time of the story, the street and the neighborhood have lost their old standing as the realm of the elite. From the research, we can conclude that William Faulkner used the first person narration and the stream of consciousness, and some contradictions between modern life and traditional life as modernism elements.

The research was discussing about the conflict between cultures in Nigeria and Western society. It shows the different cultures. And this research focus on Soyinka as the first African who won a noble prize. The conflict was about the schoolteacher who is influenced by Western culture and Baroka who is uneducated and represents the traditional one. It shows about the new and old tradition. The research was analyze about “The Lion and the Jewel” which is funny story that including by four main characters. This research was analyzing about some aspects, those are conflict between cultures, the natural culture, conflict between individuals mind and beliefs (Generation gap, communication, etc.) conflict between old and new, bride prize and its importance, tradition versus modernity in play, moral war, etc. From this research, the conclusion is “The Lion and the Jewel” presents a clash between an octogenarian chief and the village and a young teacher. Soyika loved the traditional culture of his country.


This research analyzed the ideas of Edward Albee the questions of gender, family, power, women, and human relationships in “The Zoo Story” and it was discussing about fantasy in literature. So, this research has two fantasies that means embodies wishes and desires of human beings. And fantasy as a way to propagate their ideologies and connect with American dream. This research was talking about the Marxist theory, the apartheid system in South Africa. One of these act was the Immorality Act which incriminates sexual intercourse between white women and black men. In this research told that Elizabeth as Marxist figure. This research use the Foucauldian notion of discourse and power as the methodology.


In this research, we have to know about “a doctrine that the principles of beauty are basic to other and especially moral principles” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) and discussing about beauty, imagination, artistic sensibility, harmony, sublimity and literary symbols are given prominence over the moral, ethical and didactic concerns. In case of Dalit literature, Sharatchandra Muktibodh remarks that “human freedom is the inspiration behind it… the nature of this literature consists in a rebellion against the suppression and humiliation suffered by the Dalits—in the past and even at present…”(Poisoned Bread, 270). The autobiographies in Poisoned Bread centre around the experiences of the Marathi Dalit authors who have the firsthand experience of unimaginable humiliation and disgrace in the hands of upper caste Hindus. In this research, “Dalit Feelings and Aesthetic Detachment” R.G. Jadhav observes that though social content and aesthetic form are indivisible in any work of literature and social awareness assumes significance when it is expressed in the proper literary form, aesthetic detachment marks Dalit Literature because ‘the tradition of social awareness lends a quality of realism to Dalit literature’. The autobiographical sketch “A Corpse in the Well” is richer in content than the aestheticism (as perceived traditionally).It can be concluded that Aestheticism in Dalit literature may be perceived as an individual phenomenon which may not ensure universal pleasure because the one who identifies himself with Dalit experience will obviously rejoice it more than the others.

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