Kamis, 05 Januari 2017
Summary Skripsi
Negara, Windy
Citra. 2014. An Analysis of Suggestive Words in Derren Brown and Romy Rafael’s
Hypnosis. Final Project. English Education Department, Teacher Training and
Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University at Surabaya.
The research is
about an analysis of suggestive words that is used in Derren Brown and Romy
Rafael’s hypnosis. It discusses about the word, type, and the meaning that
their using in hypnosis. This research design is naturally descriptive qualitative.
This research has four questions those are What are the suggestive words used
in Romy Rafael and Derren Brown’s hypnosis?, How are Derren Brown and Romy
Rafael use their suggestive words?, What are the intended meaning of suggestive
words in their hypnosis?, Why do Derren Brown and Romy Rafael use suggestive
words?. It will give the benefit to whom are analyze about the suggestion
works, deeply in theoretical and practical in developing language in pragmatic.
In this research, the review and related theories are discussing about
pragmatics, types of utterance, types of sentence, context of situation, speech
act, and types of illocutionary act, hypnosis, the last is suggestive mode. The
source of the data are hypnosis events taken from Derren Brown and Romy Rafael’s
Hypnosis in youtube. These are the technique of data collection; watching the
video of Derren Brown and Romy Rafael’s Hypnosis until the researcher get the
suggestive word in the video, transcribing the video into a text, selecting
suggestive words that are used in hypnosis. The suggestive words are sorted and
divided into two categories, imagining and obeying, and analyzing the data from
the selected suggestive words. And these are the steps of data analysis of
research; putting the line number of the utterances that are uttered by Derren
Brown and Romy Rafael., assorting the data that contains suggestive words which
has intended meaning, the sorted statements is analyzing by using the theory of
speech act that contain in suggestive words, summarizing the result of the
analysis. From this research, we can conclude that hypnotist can be viewed from
different angles depending on the mode of delivery used to change the context
and the suggestive words have a power to drive the hearers to follow all
suggestion given by Derren Brown and Romy Rafael.
This research is
about contrastive study of the speech act of refusal and analyzed Iranian ESL
learners who have been in the US for at least one year. The researcher got the
data from 50 Iranian ESL learners and NES American using role play scenario
consisting of request, suggestion, invitations, and offers. It has some
research questions in this research. Those are based on the classification of
illocutionary acts and compared to the native English speakers, how do Persian
native speakers who have been studying/living in an English speaking society
(America), between one to five years refuse invitations, suggestions, offers,
and requests in the target language (English)?, Are there any differences
between native English speakers and ESL Persians in using speech acts for their
initial and final parts of refusals?, How do the rates of refusal of native
English speakers and ESL Persians compare on the eight scenarios that include
invitations, suggestions, offers, and requests?. The conclusion of this
research is comparing the native Persian speakers or Iranian EFL leaners with
NES Americans. And the last, the researcher hope that the research will
eventually contribute to smoother cross-cultural communication.
Summary Teaching Journals
1 (MINE)
Derebssa. 2006. Tension between Traditional and Modern Teaching-Learning
Approaches in Ethiopian Primary Schools Journal of International Cooperation in
Education, Vol.9/1 (p: 123-140)
is important contributor for growing the national economic, so the empiric can
be educational investment for developing country. Education must be improved by
the quality. So, the quality in the context of education means effectiveness,
equity and equality. And the study will find out how far the learner-centered
approach works in the Ethiopian primary schools and the difficulties of teachers
while using active learning.This research focus on how the teaching process
affect the quality of education in Ethiopia. The researcher will describe the
quality of system in education. This research using descriptive survey method. It
taken from 12
schools were purposefully selected in which 6 schools from urban and 6 schools
from rural areas were included.
And it has
Conceptual Framework as bellows:
Understanding education quality
Active learning as an appropriate
teaching-learning strategy
Ethiopian tradition of teaching
and the employment of active learning
And this research can be conclude
that most of primary school in Ethiopian is compelling and disturbing. The
government faces difficulties of making sure the education quality. From this,
the researcher is identifying the factors that militate against its
implementation and providing recommendations on how to improve the
teaching-learning process.
2 (MINE)
Niemi, Toom, Kallioniemi.
2012. The Finnish National Core Curriculum Structure and development, Miracle of Education. University of Helsinki (p: 1-11)
The National Curriculum here is
about managing educational development in finish school system. And it contains
the objectives and core contents of teaching for all subjects in school and
describing about the mission, values, and structure of education. This research
focus on Finland. It will show the structure and implementation. Fist is about
the steering system in education of Finland and continuing by the function of
finish curriculum. So, people have to know about the pedagogical and
ideological background of Finnish curriculum design, the tradition, the design,
etc. A national curriculum in its essence is a means of social and cultural
reproduction (Lundgren, 2006), but by the time people discussing based on the
international perspective by following the kind of cultures of each country. This
research was using the descriptive qualitative.
3 (MINE)
Jaiyeoba. O. Adebola. 2011. Primary
School teachers’ Knowledge of Primary Education Objectives and Pupils Development,
The African Symposium: An online journal of the African Educational Research
Network Volume 11, No. 1 (p: 1-8)
research was about the effective and cognitive education in primary school,
especially for the teacher. The design of the
study was descriptive research design. It focuses on Nigeria. Teaching
therefore cannot be done by just anybody because it involves a body of
knowledge being imparted to a less experienced or immature person through
conscious and deliberate approach (Frankena, 1965). And teacher as the main of
model in the school. They have to improve the skill of approaching in teaching.
The study sets out to investigate the extent to which primary school teachers
have the knowledge of primary education objectives, their perception of teaching
profession and their concern for the affective and cognitive development of
learners in Ibadan North Local Government, Area of Oyo State. How all things
happened? Then the government should give the salary as the source of living,
the good textbook, the teacher should get the orientation in teaching, and the
last is schools have to be supervised to ensure qualitative education.
teacher have the method in teaching and learning. But as far as the research
explanation, this study shown that group work had the big effect in effective
learning self-assessment can make students have a clear learning target,
discipline themselves and therefore generate better learning results. As we
know that self-assessment is based on the student-centered. It will increase
the student’s enthusiasm, motivation, and participation of classroom activity.
The self-assessment makes
final assessment more rational and convincing, makes teachers better
understanding students’ learning. And the teacher have to know about the
possible problem, which is about unfairly. However, the implementation of peer
and self-assessment really a good way to promote group work efficiency and it
is valuable to be popularized in group work.
The study is
focusing on the communication of speaking subject. The design of the research
were mixed method design. The quantitative data from the speaking test and the
students’ attitude towards teaching English speaking. The qualitative data from
a Learning Log, a semi-structured interview and a Teacher Journal. Based on teaching
theorists, speaking skill can be increase through communicative activities
which include an information gap, a jigsaw puzzle, games, problem-solving, and
Role-playing. And the study was explaining that this way gives the positive
effect in interaction of each other in classroom activity. Teaching English
speaking skills using the three communicative activities is a learning method and
it was focusing on the learner-centered or usually we call it by
student-centered. All of three ways of communicative activities are motivating
students in learning.
This research will discussing the effect of contextual teaching and learning on
students’ achievement in writing recount text. As we know that recount text is
a text which has the purpose to inform past activities. Here they are the
struggle with many problems in conveying what they want to say: selecting
proper words, using correct grammar, generating ideas and developing them into
a proper organizational pattern. The data of this research was from four
meetings: 1 (one) meeting for pre-test; 2(two) meetings for treatment; and 1
(one) meeting for post-test. Contextual teaching and learning gives students a
chance to be active in the teaching-learning process. So, by this research
proof that the students are more active and enthusiastic in writing recount
text The
result of this study shows about the significant increasing of student learning
in writing.
Summary Literature Journals
Imoisi, Anthony.2012. An Analysis of Karl Marx’s Theory of Value on the
Capitalist Economy. Journal of Economics and Sustainable
2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online). Vol.3, No.5 (p: 1-7)
This research was analyzing about the Karl
Marx’s theory of value and its implications on the contemporary capitalist
economy. The purpose was critically reviews the principles of Marx’s. Marx’s
life and work have continued to attract the attention of social scientists,
trade unionists, labour unionists and many others. The question of this
research was still remains whether the
workers/ proletariats have a choice of selling their labour or not in order to
survive in the contemporary capitalist economy as it were in orthodox
capitalism? The research explains the relationship between labour and
exploitation in capitalism contradiction. The concept of value is useful
because it expresses the relations of exploitation under capitalism and allows
them to be explained in spite of the deceptive appearances created by the
predominance of voluntary market exchanges (Roberts, 1997). Based on this
research that in capitalist economy, the rate of success in production is
determined by the ability to produce surplus value. There is no doubt that
capitalism does have an overall tendency to extract surplus value from labour
since it is the most malleable of things within the confines of capitalism as
noted by Marx.
Mishra, Kumar,
Raj. 2013. Postcolonial feminism: Looking into within-beyond-to difference,
International Journal of English and Literature, MITS Deemed University (Sikar)
India; C/o Pankaj Tiwari, Plot No. 13, Sukhmaya Vihar Colony, Dandupur,
Christnagar, Chandmari, Varanasi-221003, India. Vol. 4(4) (p. 129-134)
feminism or ‘third world feminism’ emerged in response to Western mainstream
feminism. Western feminism has never been heedful to the differences
pertaining to class, race, feelings, and settings of women of once colonized
territories. Postcolonial feminists work for social, cultural, economic,
and religious freedoms for women. As we know that Postcolonial feminism is a
critique of the homogenizing tendencies of Western feminism and Feminism is a
fabulous field of study across the world. It is simplistic to believe that
Western feminists can represent and justify the stand of women living in once
colonized countries. Feminism like Marxism and Post colonialism invalidates
unjust power relationships. In numberless colonialist texts, papers, articles,
and documents, it is sought hard to project and picture negative pictures or
images of orients which Westerners never use for themselves and as such, to
inculcate inferiority and meanness in oriental minds. As far as this research, postcolonial
feminists engage more and more domestic spaces of women’s lives. In short,
‘postcolonial feminism’ provides corrective measures to mainstream ‘feminism’.
2014. A Study of The Modernism Elements in William Faulkner’s Short Story “A
Rose for Emily”. Research Journal of English Language and Literature
(RJELAL), Department of English Teaching, Science and research Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Arak, Iran, Vol.2.Issue.3 (p: 1-3)
Modernism Started at the turn of the twentieth century. Most
critics believed “high modernism” came to exist after World War I (119). The
purpose of this research was analyzing elements of modernism in William
Faulkner’s Short Story “A Rose for Emily. For the first, this research
talk about the background of William Faulkner. This short story was containing
of five sections. In the first section, it is the time of Emily`s death and the
attendance of the townspeople to the funeral. The second section is about flashbacks
thirty years ago. The time when her father has already dead and she has just
abandoned by her beloved man. In the third and fourth, after her father`s
death, the summer after. She was sick for a long time. And the fifth or last
section, it is the funeral ceremony taking place and later when the secret is
revealed after forty years when Homer was disappeared. By the time of the
story, the street and the neighborhood have lost their old standing as the
realm of the elite. From the research, we can conclude that William Faulkner
used the first person narration and the stream of consciousness, and some
contradictions between modern life and traditional life as modernism elements.
The research was discussing about the conflict between cultures in
Nigeria and Western society. It shows the different cultures. And this research
focus on Soyinka as the first African who won a noble prize. The conflict was
about the schoolteacher who is influenced by Western culture and Baroka who is
uneducated and represents the traditional one. It shows about the new and old
tradition. The research was analyze about “The Lion and the Jewel” which is
funny story that including by four main characters. This research was analyzing
about some aspects, those are conflict between cultures, the natural culture,
conflict between individuals mind and beliefs (Generation gap, communication,
etc.) conflict between old and new, bride prize and its importance, tradition
versus modernity in play, moral war, etc. From this research, the conclusion is
“The Lion and the Jewel” presents a clash between an octogenarian chief and the
village and a young teacher. Soyika loved the traditional culture of his
This research analyzed the ideas of
Edward Albee the questions of gender, family, power, women, and human
relationships in “The Zoo Story” and it was discussing about fantasy in
literature. So, this research has two fantasies that means embodies wishes and
desires of human beings. And fantasy as a way to propagate their ideologies and
connect with American dream. This research was talking about the Marxist
theory, the apartheid system in South Africa. One of these act was the
Immorality Act which incriminates sexual intercourse between white women and
black men. In this research told that Elizabeth as Marxist figure. This
research use the Foucauldian notion of discourse and
power as the methodology.
this research, we have to know about “a doctrine that the principles of beauty
are basic to other and especially moral principles” (Merriam-Webster
Dictionary) and discussing about beauty, imagination, artistic sensibility,
harmony, sublimity and literary symbols are given prominence over the moral,
ethical and didactic concerns. In case of Dalit literature, Sharatchandra
Muktibodh remarks that “human freedom is the inspiration behind it… the nature
of this literature consists in a rebellion against the suppression and
humiliation suffered by the Dalits—in the past and even at present…”(Poisoned
Bread, 270). The autobiographies in Poisoned Bread centre around the
experiences of the Marathi Dalit authors who have the firsthand experience of
unimaginable humiliation and disgrace in the hands of upper caste Hindus. In
this research, “Dalit Feelings and Aesthetic Detachment” R.G. Jadhav observes
that though social content and aesthetic form are indivisible in any work of
literature and social awareness assumes significance when it is expressed in
the proper literary form, aesthetic detachment marks Dalit Literature because
‘the tradition of social awareness lends a quality of realism to Dalit
literature’. The autobiographical sketch “A Corpse in the Well” is richer in
content than the aestheticism (as perceived traditionally).It can be concluded
that Aestheticism in Dalit literature may be perceived as an individual
phenomenon which may not ensure universal pleasure because the one who
identifies himself with Dalit experience will obviously rejoice it more than
the others.
Summary Linguistic Journals
Bialystok, Ellen. Cognitive and Linguistic
Processing in the Bilingual Mind. Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3 Canada. (p:
The research was
discussing the way bilingualism affects cognitive and linguistic performance
across the lifespan. The Question was “How does bilingualism affect cognitive
and linguistic processes in general?” and “Is bilingualism an experience with
the potential to alter the mind and brain?” This research share that the
development of the executive-function system, located in the prefrontal cortex,
is the most crucial cognitive achievement in early childhood. Furthermore, if
bilingualism affects executive functioning, the impact should be found across
the entire cognitive system and throughout the entire lifespan. Bilinguals were
less disrupted than monolinguals when the response to a stimulus required
participants to ignore a competing but irrelevant feature of the stimulus. The
main findings were that monolinguals performed better on the former set of
tasks, whereas bilinguals performed better on the latter. The result of
research has converged on the experience of speaking two languages on a regular
basis has broad implications for cognitive ability, enhancing executive-control
functions across the lifespan. The evidence at present thus shows that speaking
more than one language does indeed appear to have a beneficial effect on
aspects of cognitive control.
Nazir, Barirah.
2012. Gender Patterns on Facebook: A
Sociolinguistic Perspective, International Journal of Linguistics ISSN 1948-5425 Vol. 4,
No. 3. (p: 1-14)
The research was analyzing the differences and similarities
among the way sexes use internet particularly social networking site, Facebook.
Media exhibit patterns of use that differ between men and women. Based on
Wajcman, 1991; Gill and Grint, 1995; Kramarae, 1988; Cockburn, 1985, male
values have been institutionalized in the technology through its creators,
embedding a cultural association with masculine identity in the technology
itself. The research focus on discussing the extent to which our social,
cultural and linguistic behaviors are being changed due to use of Facebook as
it has drastically infiltrated our society and language. This research was
taken from the informants were informed that researcher in a month is
conducting a research on Facebook but the specific area was not mentioned and
use the quantitative method. The data analysis taken from the profile pictures,
profile identity, privacy issues, application and groups, topics, emoticons,
language, and the last is phonemic variations. It can be concluded that
language change focuses on how people are attempting to modify gender. It means
that gender does not matter is not true but its gender that forms identity is
also inadequate.
Mudzakir, Ahmad. 2013. A Speech Act Analysis of Direct
Utterances on short story Mr. Know All, Publication Journal, Muhammadiyah
University of Surakarta.(p: 1-9)
research was analyzing in three aspects. Those are identifying the form of the
direct sentences on short story entitled Mr. Know All, describing the purposes
of the direct utterances in short story entitled Mr. Know All, and show the kinds of speech act on direct
utterances in short story. Kreidler states that the form of direct utterance is
divided into three (Kreidler 1998:176). The form of direct utterance is
declarative utterance, interrogative utterance and imperative utterance. From
those all, we can get the good communication in our daily activities. This
research uses a descriptive qualitative method including searching, collecting,
classifying, analyzing the data, interpreting, and drawing the conclusion.
Finally the researcher conclude that the form of sentences is divided into
three. They are declarative sentences, imperative sentences and interrogative
sentences. The second is the purpose of utterances depends locution,
illocution, perlocution and situational context. Every utterance has different
context. The seven kinds of speech act make the reader easily know about the
utterance. It has been clear between utterances to other utterances. It was
connecting each other.
research was analyzed the need for such adult support is particularly
evident for youth with disabilities, who face greater difficulties in
negotiating the transition process than their peers without disabilities. A
widely shared goal in the field of transition has been to in- crease the proportion
of youth with disabilities who go on to postsecondary education, whether it be
a two-year, four-year, or vocational-technical institution. Mentoring is
reported in the research and practice literature to be a powerful intervention
for supporting people in various academic, employment, and community settings
(Kilburg, 2007; Margolin, 2007; Mazurek-Melnyk, 2007; Rajuan, Beijaard, &
Verloop, 2007) and is often employed in projects funded by national
organizations like the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of
Health (Bhattacharjee, 2007). It has the research questions; in what contexts
and with whom do mentoring relationships occur for youth with disabilities,
especially those of CLD heritage? What is the perceived value of mentoring to
youth with dis-abilities, especially those of CLD heritage? This research use
the interview surevey. And the conclution is mentors can provide critical
supports to CLD youth with disabilities during their transition from high
school to college and careers.
The research was discussing about the use of imagery and
figurative language in Wordsworth poems. And we have to know that the main
purpose of this research is providing the information students to get ideas of
imagery and figurative language for their study. Literature produces a true
creative activity. It has three types of literary works. One of them is poetry.
The factors in poetry are figurative languages, symbols, imagery, senses, and
rhyme. So, there are many things that can be analyzed of figurative language
used in poem. Figurative language is called by metaphor language or simply
metaphor. The research focus on two poems, those are “The world is too much
with us” and “My hearts leaps up”. The research problem was “What
are the function of figurative language used in “The world is too much with
us” and “My hearts leaps up. The method was systematic procedure in
analyzing an object of research. It can be concluded that in the first poems
entitled “The world is too much with us”, describes about materialism
versus nature and the second poems entitled “My hearts leaps up
describes about the nature that from childhood.
research was talking about how Indonesian students apply Discourse Markers
(DMs) to make coherence in English Compositions. As we know that the elements
in coherent text. Those are referents, substitutions, ellipsis, conjunctions,
and lexical cohesions. Because if we write use of DMs, it help us to produce an
effective text. The result of preliminary study shows that composing a coherent
text is difficult to Indonesian students. It has problem in grammatical, but in
order of thinking in idea was good. The research problems were two. First is “What
DMs do students use to build coherence in their competitions?” and “What
problems do students encounter in using DMs in their competition?” The
method of this research was descriptive qualitative. Based on this research, it
can be concluded that the students shows their awareness of using DMs to make
the coherent English compositions. Here those are the way that researcher found
for the teacher to increase of using DMs in writing program. The teacher have
to explicit the rule of using DMs and conjunctions must be addressed, making it
clear to the students that DMs don’t create but the relationship of ideas
explicit and clearer.
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